Friday, February 27, 2009

Annie... Isn't it obvious?!

Ok- so, I still need to post my recap- unfortunately I have misplaced my jump drive- under the seat somewhere. I will find it once I get to a permanent stopping point for the night and upload that. Hopefully finish the Easter eggs tomorrow or sun and get that posted as well

BUT- Here's a theory to keep you interested ;). I was driving to Iowa yesterday, and had a thought. I called Rick, and asked what Kate's mom's name is.. It's Diane- not too much help, but look at it this way... One of Kate's alias's was Annie (maybe she got it from her mom?) The little girl would now be about Kate's mom's age, Annie looked like a child version of Kate- and could have easily grown up to have a daughter who looked like Kate. We don't REALLY know who Kate's father is... When Kate and Sawyer were captured by the 'Others'- Ben was nice to Kate- he treated her in almost a 'fatherly' way... There were other things that we discussed last night- that also play into Diane being Annie- and possibly Kate being Ben's daughter- but now it's been about 24 hours- and I can't think of them... Rick- help me out here if you can.

But that's about it- My newest theory- that Charlotte isn't Annie's daughter and Ben's daughter... Kate is.

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